Friday, January 16, 2009

JCPL's New Nonfiction Keeps You in the Know

What do you know? This ordinarily casual question was taken to new heights by former Secretary of State, Donald Rumsfeld, with this quote: "There are known knowns. There are things we know that we know. There are known unknowns. That is to say, there are things that we now know we don't know. But there are also unknown unknowns. There are things we do not know we don't know."

Are you dazed and confused yet? Don't be! Just read on for the latest and greatest in nonfiction at JCPL, and you'll really be "in the know."

If you had to guess what the number one cause of mortality in women is, what would you say? Possibly breast cancer, or something relating to women, right? Would you believe that the answer is actually heart disease? "Women's Heart: An Owner's Guide" by John A. Elefteriades, M.D. gives lifesaving guidance on the cardiovascular health of women, and how to best monitor heart health.

In "Louder Than Words: A Mother's Journey" by Jenny McCarthy, the author uses raw honesty and humor to share her experiences as she delves into the world of autism, searching for answers as her son, Evan, is ultimately diagnosed with the disorder.

"Thousand Mile Song" by David Rothenberg brings us in touch with the mystery of whales, and the sonic sound of their undersea world, entertaining the reader with his observations as he studies the natural habitats of these mysterious mammals. Traveling from Russia to Canada to Hawaii, this philosopher and musician uncovers profound intelligence in the ocean's depths.

The loving relationship of Bart and Jenn Corbin turns out be more than meets the eye when Jenn commits suicide, shattering the facade of their happy home. "Too Late to Say Goodbye" by Ann Rule is true crime at its best, relating the events of Jenn's death and the subsequent investigation that uncovered Bart as a phony who lived a double life, ultimately leading him to be charged with Jenn's murder.

What do you know? No doubt, you know what you know with no question, and knowing that, you know that no matter what, no one is in the know more than you. There's only one more thing you need to know, and that's that to know JCPL is to know that nothing is really unknown. Do you know what I mean?